This is Me

Intro into my channel and personal life.


BPD in the Workplace

How to stop splitting at work and how to cultivate healthy friendships.


How to Get a Job

Here's some quick tips on how to get a job while having mental illness.



It’s as fun as it sounds.


BPD Self-Esteem Boosting Skill

Some tips and tricks for those of us who need it.


BPD Depressive Episode Caught on Cam

Yes, I know I spelled aggy wrong.


My Sexual Assault

TW I talk about my experience and my process of healing.


Why Borderlines Can Be Vindictive

Here’s my explanation (not an excuse).


Can We Stop Splitting?

If we know our judgment is off and are aware of the symptom, why can’t we stop?


How BPD Looks in My Everyday

Presenting my BPD gremlins…


Life Update

The life update no one asked for :).


Win Against your Triggers

The steps to beating your triggers. Play life as a game.


BPD and Loneliness

BPD is perpetual loneliness.


How I learned to trust myself

I write about having BPD as a woman of color and my road to recovery. I struggled with trusting my own judgment, often absorbing the beliefs and perspectives of others. Here are a few tips on how I learned to trust myself and gain a sense of self despite this disorder.


Shrooms and BPD

I talk about what shrooms taught me about BPD and how this inspired me to maintain my recovery.


Grief and Quiet BPD

I talk about the trauma of recently losing my dog and reflect on losing a best friend while splitting on her. I tie this into how the fear of losing can prevent people with BPD from experiencing intimacy in relationships.


5 BPD Communication Tips

5 tips for BPD relationships that I wish I learned sooner. I give explicit examples from my current long-term relationship.


Borderline Personality Disorder: RANT

A gander into my self-conscious, borderline, self-hating brain - "I'm trying to change that!".


BPD Episode

What are BPD episodes? Are they really that bad?


BPD Symptoms: how to react (TW)

What not to say when someone tells you they have Borderline + my experience with BPD symptoms.


BPD: Depression and Anxiety

Treating BPD is complicated. Even more so when you have those jerks depression and anxiety looming over your shoulder! Can meds help?


BPD: Splitting Feels Like…

Ever wonder what it's like to suddenly hate every one/thing you love???? on an everyday basis? If this sounds harrowing and exhausting, it's cuz it is!


BPD and Work Vlog

My first vlog! This vid is about how our mean BPD thoughts lie to us. Also, outed myself as a borderline to my boss after a week of thinking everyone hated me. Kept :) my :) composure :) despite dying inside -what else is new? :)


Supporting BPD Loved Ones in Crisis

Tips to support borderline loved ones during a crisis.


The Logic Behind Self-Harm

Understanding why you self-harm is the first step to rising above it.


BPD Triggers - BYE!

Tips to beat your BPD to the punch.


BPD and “Love Bombing”

I talk about the signs of being overly affectionate in relationships and ways you can develop a foundational sense of self.