Nip Splitting in the Bud

Think of this exercise as DBT Pros and Cons list for your splitting thoughts! If you’ve ever wanted to catch your splitting thoughts in mid-air to slow them down in order to reframe them, here’s how:

Example of how to use this chart. Read step by step instructions below!

Example of how to use this chart. Read step by step instructions below!

Fill out your own chart section by section:

  1. IDEALIZED: Tap into your idealized thoughts about the thing that is triggering you. What are those thoughts?

  2. Pros for Idealizing: What do you get out of thinking this thing/person is all good? How does idealizing serve you?

  3. Cons for idealizing: What are the consequences of thinking this thing/person is all good? How does this hurt you?

  4. DEVALUED: Tap into your devalued thoughts about the thing that is triggering you. What are those black splitting thoughts?

  5. Pros for devaluing: What do you get out of thinking this thing/person is all bad?

  6. Cons for devaluing: How does thinking this thing/person is all bad hurt you?

  7. BALANCED: Integrate both idealized and devalued thoughts.

  8. Pros for balance: How does coming up with a balanced way of thinking help you?

  9. There are no cons for thinking in a balanced way other than it may feel uncomfortable if you’re used to splitting white or black!

Splitting Chart (blank). Download me!

Splitting Chart (blank). Download me!


Nip Splitting in the Bud (version 2)


Circle of Intimacy